MedCan Summit Speaker

Dr Richard Newcomb, PhD

Chief Scientist,
Plant & Food Research

As Chief Scientist for Plant & Food Research, Richard is responsible for science quality assurance, science strategy and capability development for an organisation with more than 650 scientists.

With more than 100 publications, Richard has broad research interests focused on the biology and genetics of odour sensing in animals. He is currently also a Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at the University of Auckland, an Associate Editor for the international journal Chemical Ecology, and a member of the Marsden Council of the Royal Society Te Aparāngi.

Visit the Plant & Food Research website.

All Sessions by Dr Richard Newcomb, PhD

Day 2 - Industry Summit - 11 February

Time Plenary
  • Explaining the work currently being undertaken by Crown Research Institutes in the medicinal cannabis space
  • Advocating for the industry – a spotlight on the work taking place here

Dr Richard Newcomb, PhD 
Chief Scientist, Plant & Food Research
Dr Emma Bermingham 
Science Objective Leader Added Value Foods & Bio-based Products, AgResearch
Dr Florian Graichen 
GM - Forests to Biobased products, Scion

More Speakers

Simon Yarrow

Group Manager, Agrifood

James Yu

Charge pharmacist and Co-Owner

Kristen Lunman

Co-Founder and GM