MedCan Summit Speaker

James Yu

Charge pharmacist and Co-Owner ,
Ngā Hua Pharmacy

James Yu has been involved in medicinal cannabis for over three years, being the first pharmacy in New Zealand to import CBD products for patients. He started with the goal of improving access to medicinal cannabis, and aiming to not allow cost be a major barrier to life changing medicine. After seeing countless positive and life changing impacts medicinal cannabis was having for his patients, he decided to make it his mission to not only supply medicinal cannabis to patients all around the country, but also raise awareness in the potentials of medicinal cannabis by educating other pharmacists and doctors about medicinal cannabis. James also completed a postgraduate certificate in Medicinal Cannabis, a course offered by Auckland University of Technology (AUT), which he completed in 2020. 

All Sessions by James Yu

Healthcare Professionals Forum - 11 February

Time Plenary
James Yu 
Charge pharmacist and Co-Owner , Ngā Hua Pharmacy

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