MedCan Summit Speaker

Andrew Cameron

Principal Consultant,
Callaghan Innovation

Andrew is consulting with Callaghan Innovation, currently leading a project focused on private sector commercialisation for Agritech businesses. Andrew has extensive stakeholder and customer engagement experience, particularly around delivering customer-centred value-add solutions. He has worked with a number of commercial healthcare organisations in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. To find out more go to

More recently he led a Callaghan Innovation project through wide-ranging stakeholder engagement to develop a series of capability roadmaps in medicinal cannabis and hemp to support industry growth.

All Sessions by Andrew Cameron

Day 1 - Industry Summit - 10 February

Time Industry Stream

This presentation will highlight the commercial potential for medicinal cannabis or hemp beyond its primary use by taking a ‘whole of resource’ approach. It will outline how the Bioresource Processing Alliance and research providers can help industry partners identify high-value opportunities from low-value biological resources.

Andrew Cameron 
Principal Consultant, Callaghan Innovation
Anna Yallop 
General Manager, Bioresource Processing Alliance

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Zoë Reece

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