MedCan Summit Speaker

Elizabeth Plant

Chief Medical Officer,

Elizabeth Plant is currently the Chief Medical Officer of EQALIS Pharmaceuticals Ltd a medical cannabis company. This role involves providing education and clinical advice to doctors and consumers

Prior to this she held a number of senior pharmacy roles including independent consulting and she was the Chief Pharmacist/Director of Medication Management of Taranaki DHB for nearly 20 years.

She was the President of the NZ Pharmaceutical Society for 5 years (2008-2013) and a ministerial appointment to the NHITB (National Health IT Board) for 8 years (2008-2016). She was a founding and active member of all the New Zealand medication safety committees over the past 20 years and a member of the original PHARMAC Hospital Procurement Advisory Committee (HPAC) serving for 3 years.

She is a registered pharmacist with fellowships awarded from the Pharmaceutical Society and College of Pharmacists. She has an Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Post Graduate Diploma and a Masters in Health Sciences, both with distinction. She is a trained Quality Health Auditor and very experienced in implementing electronic medication systems with the associated clinical change management.

All Sessions by Elizabeth Plant

Healthcare Professionals Forum - 11 February

Time Plenary
  • Effectiveness, safety and appropriateness considerations
  • Drug interactions and pharmacogenetics relevant to cannabis with their implications
  • Dosing of CBD and THC
  • Contraindications and adverse effects
  • Presentation of several case studies of New Zealand patients receiving medical cannabis and their clinical responses

Elizabeth Plant 
Chief Medical Officer, Eqalis

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